Feb 21st-22nd, 2025
MINASMUN is a two-day international relations simulation to be held annually at The American School of Belo Horizonte. At our conference, delegates will gain insight into the workings of the United Nations by assuming the roles of international decision makers. Participants also will develop several skills throughout this process, including but not limited to: public speaking, negotiation, teamwork, leadership, and policy crafting.
Meet the guest speaker
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
MinasMUN III will have three committees: two of them will be United Nations Councils and one of them will be a special committee.
The size of committees and delegations (single or double) may vary.
A list of delegations across committees will be provided to schools wishing to participate for students to choose their preferred allocation.
Av. Professor Mário Werneck, 3301
Buritis, Belo Horizonte
MG, 30575-180