and the criteria behind them
Best Delegate
Best Speaker
Outstanding Delegation
Best Position Paper
In MinasMUN, each committee has three awards: one Best Speaker, one Outstanding Delegation, and one Best Delegation. All aspects of debate are considered for awards, including opening speeches, lobbying and merging time, and quality of points of information. Thus, in order to be chosen for awards, delegates must not only be good public speakers, but also encompass all aspects of diplomats, such as being tactful, persuasive, and cooperative. When considering awards, Chairs will take into consideration the quality of each delegation’s position papers, resolutions, and amendments, as well the knowledge and understanding not only of committee topics but also of each delegation’s policies and interests. All delegates within a delegation should contribute to the debate in order to be eligible. Any delegation that does not submit a position paper for each topic on time will automatically be disqualified from awards.